Friday, August 20, 2010

Shop For LEGO City Fire Helicopter (7206)

Ok, so there are other parents out there who have Lego-addicted children. It actually might all stem from the fact that they get the Lego magazine FREE for 2 years, thus Lego company is ensuring all parents will at some point be begged for something their child sees in the magazine. Which is exactly what occured here. My son HAD TO HAVE this helicopter, so we searched and found the best price on Amazon (though the Lego site isn't bad either, just pay for shipping). In any event, my son loves this. It's pricey, yes, but it's big and it took a long time to put together. As with all Legos they always need to have more "people", but this one has 2 and that works ok for now. I highly recommend putting it in a container once it's built, which is how we store all our Legos. That way they can be stored on a shelf in an orderly fashion and when they are bored and haven't seen a particular one for a while, just pull out a box, take it apart, and they get to put it together again (in typically a different way).

All in all, a great helicopter.Get more detail about LEGO City Fire Helicopter (7206).

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