Monday, June 14, 2010

Discount LeapFrog Sing-Along Read-Along

I think this is a very good product for kids in the mode of learning how to read, meaning kids that are ready to read or are old enough to be reading and having a little trouble. It is meant to help parents help their children learn to read, not teach the children to read in itself. No one program is going to teach most children how to read, it is going to be a combination of readiness, desire, adult help, resources such as Hooked on Phonics, Leap Frog, Sesame Street, PBS, etc. As a level headed educator and parent I find it insane that we are using what ever we can to teach babies how to read. At 2 and 3 years old childrens eye/brain coordination is not very developed. I believe it is fine for kids to learn to read by just picking it up on their own but must we continue to push reading onto babies. Babies like to be read to and when they want to learn to read they will show you they are wanting to do so.

For some of the Leap Frog products I have seen people complain about the graphics. Come on, these things are geard toward little children who could care less about graphics. One person made a comment about another Leap Frog product that beyond a 19 inch TV the graphics are all over the place. Duh, put it on a smaller TV. Why do you have your kid sittiing infront of a really large high tech tv anyway? You will never get them away from it. It's like going from a Benz to a Sentra. Put yourself in a Benz, you may never want to drive your Sentra again.

I would recogmend this program to anyone as part of your program but not the one and only thing to have. I haven't seen anything out there that meets all needs for all children. I don't feel even Hooked on Phonics could be your stand alone program.

I am speaking from a homeschooler's point of view and from a professional teacher as well.Get more detail about LeapFrog Sing-Along Read-Along.

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